This morning in a dream before I wake up precisely at 6:40:
I hear someone frantically knocking at the door. It's pitch dark out. But I know who it is. It's someone with whom I'm supposed to interview for a job. I quickly answer the door. No one is on the porch. I close the door.
Then knocking again. (it was really the sound of some guys replacing a roof on a nearby house). I answer the door again, I look across the street way down at the corner. I hear a voice saying "hellooo! Sorry you missed out! Bye!" fading in the distance. (Not in those exact words, but the emotional roller coaster caused by REM sleep brain maintenance triggered a reverse rationalization to create the dream experience.)
I close the door. (I'm still in my dream). My phone rings. It's my Veterans Employment Support Specialist: "Why didn't you answer the door!" "Uh, I, well.. I did answer, twice, and nobody was there!" "Oh well, I guess that's it then." My heart sunk. I thought he didn't believe me.
Fade to a new dream. (In dreams, context is interpreted as time. Since dreams can occur within just a few seconds, but feel like hours, we only perceive that long periods have passed because our rational minds are constrained to the physical laws of reality. Dreams can mishmash fragments of our memories together to create wholly unique experiences.)
I was carrying an M-60 machine gun, or some weapon larger than an M-16. I was part of a team of six people. We were in a large burned out warehouse on a military base, sifting through piles of ashes and rubble for supplies. I managed to find one round of ammo in a box. Everything else was long-ago cooked off.
I jumped onto an armored personnel carrier and the noise triggered a zombie to pop the top. I got him just like Whac-a-Mole. I remember jumping down and seeing a big pile of empty, warped, charred ammo boxes. Everyone was frustrated and leaving.
And I woke up.