Psychological Warfare

Psychological Warfare through propaganda

  • Learned Helplessness
  • Illusion of Choice
  • Engineering Consent
  • Process Fluency - the ease with which something is remembered.
  • Object Permanence - faith in the existence of absent objects.
  • Logos - logic, reason, evidence, critical thinking skills
  • Ethos - ethics, credibility.
  • Pathos - emotion, emotional memory, persuasion, propaganda, public relations.
  • Semiotics - signs, signals, symbols, emblems, icons.
  • Indexicality - 
  • Context - frame, environment, montage, juxtaposition, background.
  • Content - subject, foreground.
  • Imply - making an indirect suggestion through creative contextualization
  • Infer - making an assumption, drawing a conclusion, 
  • Attribute - assigning an effect to an inferred cause.
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