Where do I begin? I would love to be able to tell stories that will shock everyone's imagination. Every aspiring science fiction writer has a notion about intergalactic travel or some scientific explanation for what was previously written off as a "miracle" in a religious text.
We want to live forever and we want to travel instantaneously to the very outer edge of the universe to see the boundary between the universe and absolute nothingness. What is there if we find it? A wall of some sort? Perhaps a boundary made of a clear material that we can see out and something or someone else outside can observe us? This is a classic device from the television series The Outer Limits
Are all the plots taken? Is there nothing under the sun that hasn't been done and done over and over again? Have we reached the limits of our imaginations? Can we accept old stories being updated and adjusted according to new scientific discoveries?
At the risk of justifying plagiarism I must admit that our choices for story telling are becoming limited as we reach the end of our imaginations. The rate at which new authors draw conclusions that match preceding authors exactly, is increasing exponentially.
As we find the edge of our imaginations, is there any way at all of going beyond? Is there nothing left of us but stories of relationships faced with different aspects of time and space?
We think we understand our own physical limitations. Perhaps we imagine that what we have found are the smallest particles in the universe. Perhaps we know only as much as Democritus, but at a smaller level.
How do we go beyond our perceptions, illusions, and delusions? Our mathematical skills can only take us as far as our perceptions can validate. We did develop technology that can sense the world around us outside of our biological capacity of perception, but by how much? Is it governed by our perceptual limitations?
Can we ever get out of this box?
This post was inspired by the film The Oculus.