Harry one day finally had to get glasses. He stopped driving at night a couple of years ago when he realized, after being diverted on his routine drive home from work due to construction, he couldn't read the street signs and got lost.
When he got his glasses it was an amazing, liberating experience. He didn't realize just how bad his sight had become, and once again he could see everything.
Days later, Harry was one night sitting at his computer when his glasses became smudged. He took them off and wiped the lenses with the special microfiber cloth and then put them on again. The clarity lasted for a few hours but then the smudges returned.
Harry became frustrated as the smudges kept returning inexplicably, more frequently and intensely. He finally got fed up and went back to his optometrist who examined the glasses under a low-powered microscope. He found very small fingerprints.
"Do you keep your glasses where your children can reach them?" asked the Optometrist.
"What? I don't have any kids." replied Harry.
The Optometrist was stunned for a second. He wondered if Harry needed to change the locks on his doors.
"Somehow kids are getting their fingerprints on your glasses." he said.
Harry looked at him as if he was crazy. "The smudges happen while I'm wearing them" Harry said.
The two men stood in silent wonder for an awkward moment.